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Writing custom hooks in React

· 4 min read
Luke Owen
Lead Front End Developer @ Lunio

Hooks came into play in React 16.8, they allow you to manage state and side effects in functional components.

The default React hooks are pretty useful, but sometimes you’ll find yourself repeating the same logic, we can extract this into a custom hook and reuse it.

Disable an ESLint rule

· 2 min read
Luke Owen
Lead Front End Developer @ Lunio

ESLint is great at spotting errors in JavaScript code, but sometimes you need to disable it for certain conditions.

startsWith method

· 2 min read
Luke Owen
Lead Front End Developer @ Lunio

ES6 introduces the startsWith method to the String object, it checks whether or not a string starts with certain characters.

Using heat maps to improve user experience

· 3 min read
Luke Owen
Lead Front End Developer @ Lunio

Once you get traffic to your website, you can start analysing it. You can introduce heat mapping into your UX to help you understand how users interact with your site.

And one of the best things is: you don’t have to be technical to read them