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What I use - software

· 3 min read
Luke Owen
Lead Front End Developer @ Lunio


PhpStorm is my editor of choice, as a full IDE it centralises many of the tools I use when writing code. It can also understand the files in a project and validate them on the fly.

Adobe Creative Cloud

I have a Creative Cloud subscription that allows me to use the whole Create Suite. Mostly I use Photoshop, but also Illustrator, XD, and InDesign.


While I mostly work within the Adobe world I’ve worked with a few designers to prefer Sketch, its never managed to convince me to abandon Photoshop but I do keep a working knowledge of it.

Google Chrome

Chrome is my standard desktop browser of choice.

I also use quite a few plugins:

For the whole “cross-browser compatibility” thing I have a bunch of other browsers installed on my MacBook and use BrowserStack for anything I don’t have.


The only version control system I’ve ever used: its super simple, and super powerful. I’m also a big fan of rebasing – when done properly

Command Line

I use the command line a lot, I usually have at least half a dozen terminals open for different things in PhpStorm:

  • git
  • npm
  • build – usually with a file watcher
  • code linting
  • test – for running unit tests, again usually with a watcher
  • e2e – for running tests with Cypress If I’m using a Vagrant/Docker box, then there’s one for that too.

On my Mac I use the Homebrew package manager to install software and keep everything up to date. For a text editor, I’m Team Vim.


As I front end developer I consume a tonne of API’s. Postman allows me to keep track of them, and also allows me to mock and design new ones.