Browser support - how to choose
Regardless of whether you’re a developer, designer, or marketing person; the decision of which browsers to support is kinda an important one.
Regardless of whether you’re a developer, designer, or marketing person; the decision of which browsers to support is kinda an important one.
Promises are one of the more exciting new features in ES6 (ES2015). They simplify asynchronous programming because they look as if they’re executing in a top down way (synchronously).
Testing is an important part of the development process, and I use a few tools to make my life easier:
Unless you’re building an incredibly simple site then you’re going to have some conflicts in your CSS, where multiple selectors give the same property to an element.
The concept of state and props can be confusing when you first start out in React, they sound pretty similar: they’re both basically variables right? That’s true, but they’re used in fundamentally different ways.
There are loads of HTML elements, and each new specification introduces more.
In ES6+ JavaScript the 3 dots ...
can be used in two ways: as a spread operator, or as a rest parameter. In this post I’m going to be breaking down the spread operator.